Raw Beet Slaw with Lemon and Mint

The power of the beet cannot be underestimated, especially in the fall. Beets are bitter, astringent, and sweet. They clean the blood and the bile ducts of accumulated summer heat, and speed up the elimination channels that expel it. A serving of this slaw a few times per week will help keep the doctor away. Or, to get the cleansing benefits of beets without the extra preparations, simply squeeze fresh lemon juice on shredded beets and serve as a side dish.
- 1 large beet or 2 small beets peeled and grated
- 1/4 lemon
- 1 mint sprig optional
- 1 tbsp sunflower seeds
- salte to taste
Mix grated beets and lemon juice together in a small bowl. If using mint tear the leaves into small pieces by hand or snip with kitchen shears and add to the beet mixture
In a small frying pan, toast the sunflower seeds on low heat for about 5 minutes, until lightly browned, gently shaking the pan or stirring as needed to keep the seeds from burning.
Add the sunflower seeds and salt to the beet mixture and stir again
Serve 1/2 cup besides tofu tacos or inside a collard wrap. This also makes a great side dish to serve beside everyday cleansing soup or everyday Kichari.
Wow! Such a refreshing and invigorating salad in the summer, the beets and mint are both from my garden. What a perfect zesty meal. Thank you for sharing!!!